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As we struggle to keep this place open for all our respected Garden and Flower lovers, we need help from the community!
(As an example, after COVID, we have for 1 year no proper water supply. This never ever happened before in our 10 years history. The Garden and our precious Hummingbirds and Flowers need water., water, water to maintain a tropical encironment. Our area on the western most tip of the Island is one of the driest in JA.
Unfortunately, we get no help from the relevant authorities. This is the reason for this support page. In the past season, we spent nearly our entire income to purchase water from trucks. At least, Mother nature send some rain in the past weeks - and our Garden is green again and our visitors and our Hummingbirds like it.
We decided to publish images from visitors who support us :

Vistors left,
without giving me
the opportunity
to take a picture.
They visited 3 times already -
and the have been
very generous !
We hope, one day, they will discover this site and send a picture
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